Dr. Furkan Öztürk

Curriculum vitae

Harvard University

52 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Lecture Notes (in English)

Lectures by David Tong of Cambridge University on various topics including relativity, classical mechanics, electromagnetism, cosmology, string theory and many more.
The core sequence of six Theoretical Minimum courses covers Classical Mechanics through Statistical Mechanics and Cosmology. Supplemental courses and lectures elaborate on the topics taught in the core sequence, or provide a different perspective on the subject.

Erich Mueller Lecture Notes
Lectures on condensed matter physics, computational methods and applications of quantum mechanics are by Erich Mueller at Cornell University
B. Zwiebach's Quantum Mechanics Lectures (Parts II and III can be found on MIT OCW)
This is the first course in the undergraduate Quantum Physics sequence. It introduces the basic features of quantum mechanics. It covers the experimental basis of quantum physics, introduces wave mechanics, Schrödinger's equation in a single dimension, and Schrödinger's equation in three dimensions.
W. Ketterle's Atomic Physics Lectures (Part II can be found on MIT OCW)
This is the first of a two-semester subject sequence that provides the foundations for contemporary research in selected areas of atomic and optical physics. Topics covered include the interaction of radiation with atoms: resonance; absorption, stimulated and spontaneous emission; methods of resonance, dressed atom formalism, masers and lasers, cavity quantum electrodynamics; structure of simple atoms, behavior in very strong fields; fundamental tests: time reversal, parity violations, Bell's inequalities; and experimental methods.
In this course, we will approach the field of atomic physics by presenting a unified picture of coherent evolution and environmental decoherence and dissipation. The course will develop around three themes: firstly, we will elucidate theoretical techniques for simultaneously treating both coherent and dissipative processes. We will also consider experimental methods for studying atomic systems, including, for example discussion of high resolution spectroscopy, laser trapping and cooling and preparation of quantum states of ions. Finally, we will incorporate examples which illustrate how these experimental and theoretical techniques find application in current research
These notes were taken by Brian Hill during Sidney Coleman's lectures on Quantum Field Theory (Physics 253), given at Harvard University in Fall semester of the 1986-1987 academic year. They were recently typeset and edited by Yuan-Sen Ting and Bryan Gin-ge Chen. Although most of topics in the second part of the course (Physics 253b) were assembled and published in Coleman's book "Aspects of Symmetry", these notes remain the principal source for the Physics 253a materials.
The first part of these lectures will thus be devoted to set up the technology to deal with systems made of a very large number of interacting quantum particles (the so-called many body physics). We will use this technology to understand the theory of Fermi liquids. In the second part we will see cases where the Fermi liquid theory actually fails, and where interaction effects leads to drastically new physics compared to the non interacting case. This is what goes under the name of non-Fermi liquids or strongly correlated systems.

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